const std = @import("std"); const c = @cImport({ @cInclude("dlfcn.h"); }); const Watch = @import("Watch.zig"); const serve_op = *const fn () void; var shutdown = false; const timeout = 250; const Executor = struct { path: [:0]const u8, library: ?*anyopaque = null, serve: ?serve_op = null, watch: ?usize = null, }; var executors = [_]Executor{ .{ .path = "zig-out/lib/" }, .{ .path = "zig-out/lib/" }, }; var watcher = Watch.init(executorChanged); const log = std.log.scoped(.main); pub const std_options = struct { // Set the log level to info pub const log_level = .info; // Define logFn to override the std implementation pub const logFn = myLogFn; }; pub fn myLogFn( comptime level: std.log.Level, comptime scope: @TypeOf(.EnumLiteral), comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype, ) void { // Ignore all non-error logging from sources other than // .my_project, .nice_library and the default switch (scope) { .watch => if (@enumToInt(level) >= @enumToInt(std.log.Level.debug)) return, // Kill debug messages else => {}, } std.log.defaultLog(level, scope, format, args); } fn serve() !void { // if (some path routing thing) { (try getExecutor(0))(); if (inx > 4) { if (inx % 2 == 0) (try getExecutor(0))() else (try getExecutor(1))(); } // if (std.c.dlerror()) |_| { // TODO: use capture // return error.CouldNotLoadSymbolServe; // } // TODO: only close on reload // if (std.c.dlclose(library.?) != 0) { // return error.CouldNotUnloadLibrary; // } // library = null; // } } fn getExecutor(key: usize) !serve_op { var executor = &executors[key]; if (executor.serve) |s| return s; executor.library = blk: { if (executor.library) |l| { break :blk l; }"library {s} requested but not loaded. Loading library", .{executor.path}); const l = try dlopen(executor.path); errdefer if (std.c.dlclose(l) != 0) @panic("System unstable: Error after library open and cannot close"); = orelse try watcher.addFileWatch(executor.path); break :blk l; }; // std.c.dlerror(); const serve_function = std.c.dlsym(executor.library.?, "serve"); if (serve_function == null) return error.CouldNotLoadSymbolServe; executor.serve = @ptrCast(serve_op, serve_function.?); return executor.serve.?; } // This works fn executorChanged(watch: usize) void { log.debug("executor changed event", .{}); for (&executors) |*executor| { if ( |w| { if (w == watch) { if (executor.library) |l| {"library {s} changed. Unloading library", .{executor.path}); // TODO: These two lines could introduce a race. Right now that would mean a panic executor.serve = null; if (std.c.dlclose(l) != 0) @panic("System unstable: Error after library open and cannot close"); } executor.library = null; executor.serve = null; // NOTE: Would love to reload the library here, but that action // does not seem to be thread safe } } } } // NOTE: this will be on a different thread. This code does not work, and I // am fairly certain it is because we can't share a function pointer between // threads // fn executorChanged(watch: usize) void { // std.debug.print("executor with watch {d} changed\n", .{watch}); // for (&executors) |*executor| { // if ( |w| { // if (w == watch) { // if (executor.library) |l| { // std.debug.print("reloading executor at path: {s}\n", .{executor.path}); // const newlib = dlopen(executor.path) catch { // std.debug.print("could not reload! error opening library\n", .{}); // return; // }; // errdefer if (std.c.dlclose(newlib) != 0) // @panic("System unstable: Error after library open and cannot close"); // const serve_function = std.c.dlsym(newlib, "serve"); // if (serve_function == null) { // std.debug.print("could not reload! error finding symbol\n", .{}); // return; // } // // new lib all loaded up - do the swap and close the old // std.debug.print("updating function and library\n", .{}); // executor.serve = @ptrCast(serve_op, serve_function.?); // executor.library = newlib; // if (std.c.dlclose(l) != 0) // @panic("System unstable: Error after library open and cannot close"); // std.debug.print("closed old library\n", .{}); // } // } // } // } // } fn dlopen(path: [:0]const u8) !*anyopaque { // We need now (and local) because we're about to call it const lib = std.c.dlopen(path, c.RTLD_NOW); if (lib) |l| return l; return error.CouldNotOpenDynamicLibrary; } var inx: usize = 0; pub fn main() !void { defer watcher.deinit(); // stdout is for the actual output of your application, for example if you // are implementing gzip, then only the compressed bytes should be sent to // stdout, not any debugging messages. const stdout_file =; var bw =; const stdout = bw.writer(); const stderr_file =; var bw_stderr =; const stderr = bw_stderr.writer(); try stdout.print("Run `zig build test` to run the tests.\n", .{}); try bw.flush(); // don't forget to flush! const watcher_thread = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, Watch.startWatch, .{&watcher}); while (true) { std.time.sleep(std.time.ns_per_s * 2); inx += 1; if (inx == 10) { log.debug("forcing stop to make sure it works", .{}); try watcher.stopWatch(); break; } try stdout.print("Serving...", .{}); try bw.flush(); serve() catch |err| { try stderr.print("Error serving request ({any})\n", .{err}); try bw_stderr.flush(); }; try stdout.print("served\n", .{}); try bw.flush(); } shutdown = true; watcher_thread.join(); } test "simple test" { var list = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.testing.allocator); defer list.deinit(); // try commenting this out and see if zig detects the memory leak! try list.append(42); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), list.pop()); }